It's time

It's time to change the way we consume. Fortunately, the possibilities for doing so today are endless. At Root Textiles, we believe you can make an impact with your creativity. Give that creativity free rein and let's create positive change together. That starts with making good choices and getting to the root of solutions.

Conscious choices

So we consciously choose those products we need in our lives so that they contribute to a more beautiful world. That's why Root Textiles' sustainable fabrics are the natural choice for all your creations. Because buying new clothes is overrated and polluting. We've both known that for a long time. You come up with unique creations that show who you are. And you inspire others to do the same. This is how we can create positive change in a way that is not only fun, but also beautiful. We let our imaginations run wild, to explore and create. Firmly grounded and using the most beautiful materials, which at the same time are the friendliest to our environment. So let's recycle, upcycle and co-create. At Root Textiles, we want to pique your curiosity and inspire you to create sustainably. Together, we can create change. Make that the foundation, at the base of everything you do and make.

NEW: the Root GOTS collection

To help you make your creations with the most sustainable fabrics, Root Textiles now has a new GOTS collection. GOTS stands for Global Organic Textile Standard. The most sustainable certificate within textiles that symbolizes sustainability, quality and social responsibility. They are all fabrics with at least 70% organic cotton, whereby the rights of workers are also protected, working conditions are safe and hygienic, only low-impact dyes and inks are used, waste water is properly purified and energy and water consumption is controlled. In short: super sustainable! So you, as a conscious creator can be confident that you are making a positive contribution by choosing these fabrics. And of course in the most beautiful colors and designs. Curious? Take a look in our webshop.